Lemonade Diet

If you want to lose weight fast, there's no surer method than Beyonce's lemonade diet.

To prepare for her starring role in the hit movie Dreamgirls, singer Beyonce went on the Master Cleanse diet - sometimes called the lemonade diet - and quickly shed an amazing 20 pounds.

Take a look at the movie and you'll agree Beyonce looks sensational in those tight stage costumes!

And the Master Cleanse diet isn't just a hit with Beyonce: the Howard Stern show's Robin Quivers tried it after magician David Blaine publicly endorsed it. Givens soon lost a huge 70 pounds and credited the diet for restoring her health and vitality.

So what is this mysterious diet the celebs rave about? Well, it's been around for a very long time. New-Yorker Stanley Burroughs created it in 1941, using a few simple ingredients like maple syrup, cayenne pepper and lemons.

His intent was to help rid the body of toxins and waste with a 10-day liquid diet. But it soon became clear that not only did the diet get rid of a lot of internal garbage and restored vigorous health - it also helped people to lose weight quickly.

Now one of the problems with the original lemonade diet method is that it's very tough. A lot of people just can't stick to a liquid diet for longer than three days before they cave in to intense hunger pangs.