4 Days Diet Program

Have you ever wondered if there is a diet that will still give you a day off in a week just like a day off you have at work? Have you heard of the 4 day diet? What you should know about the 4 Day Diet?

Before we go into the complex, let us start with the basics first - who is behind this? The 4 Day Diet has been designed by Dr. Ian K. Smith and has become well-known to the public when he published his best-seller book "The Fat Smash Diet and Extreme Fat Smash Diet." He has already been invited to famous television shows like CNN and NBC "Today Show" as he is also considered a diet expert on VH1's "Celebrity Fit Club" and the genius behind the "The 50 million Pound Challenge." What you should know about the 4 day diet is how it works and if it does really work.

The 4 Day Diet is an incredible diet as among the so many diets that had ever created; this is the only diet that recognizes the downfalls of diets which include temptations, boredom, no day-off to have treats even for a day, and excessive repetition. What you should know about the 4 day diet is that it works for only 4 days each for every program of the diet and these are the following:

1. Detoxification and cleansing the entire body which is called "Induction"
2. Reintroduction of all food groups known as the "Transition Phase"
3. Preventing Plateaus done through "Protein Stretch"
4. Eating the forbidden foods like cakes and ice creams on "Smooth"
5. Getting on a stricter diet plan in "Push"
6. Relaxation phase called the "Pace"
7. The Final Stage called the "Vigorous"

What you should know about the 4 day diet is that you can make changes to it hence; you can personalize this diet to suit you better. Just make sure that you stick to it until the end and of course, you include acai berry in your diet plan everyday to get that dream body you always wanted for!

Diet With Grapefruit

Are you a grape lover? Did you ever hear of the grapefruit diet? What you should know about the grapefruit diet? Even though there are heaps of diets to choose from nowadays, there are still a number of people who wants to revive the famous Grapefruit diet that has become well-known way back the 1970s. This diet has gained its popularity in the 1970's when it introduced a very exciting and new idea about losing weight.

Grapefruit diet has the following reasons why it became popular and has been revived today:

1. Grapefruit diet, as the name suggests, is a simple diet that utilizes on grapes. Grapes are very healthy and rich in essential vitamins and minerals just like other fruits. However, what you should know about the grapefruit diet is that it makes use of the enzymes found only in grapes that are said to have the ability to burn fats as quickly as possible.

2. Aside from these powerful enzymes contained in grapefruits, another thing that you should know about the grapefruit diet is that it is so simple that you only have to take on your everyday meal 4 ounces of grapes.

3. The grapefruit diet works on the principle of not skipping any meals at all. It is vital that a person eats 3 meals a day with grapes on its diet for a suggested meal plan that must have vegetables and eggs on it. The difference between the grapefruit diet today and before is that with today's revival of the Grapefruit diet, it now introduces exercise on the diet. Not only do you have to eat grapes and healthy foods but you should be physically active as well.

What you should know about the grapefruit is that you should also watch out your caloric intake in order for the exercise and the grapefruit to have effect. As we all know, grapes contain antioxidants which are very much needed to have a healthy heart and another great source of these antioxidants are acai berries.

Easy Fat Loss

Wait! Did you know that 9 in 10 people will put some or all of the lost weight back on again! I will provide an answer to this puzzle as well if you have been seeking out a way to lose 20 pounds Easily in 3 Weeks, then I have a surprise for you! Make sure to read closely because I plan to explain to you exactly how it can be done easily and effortlessly. Best of all the results you get from this method of weight loss do not rebound as other diets do, because it does what no other diet does, it targets your metabolism.

So How Can I Begin to Lose 20 Pounds Easily in 3 Weeks?

Its simply really, its called calorie shifting and all it asks of you is to eat! Ok I'll admit it isn't that simple, but unlike any other diet you can actually eat a normal amount of food. The trick to calorie shifting is the way in which you eat. You see this system of eating is so sophisticated as it maximizes the times your body burns the most calories of a certain type and convinces your body to burn more of those calories. It also works to constantly switch up your diet and create something called metabolic confusion where your body doesn't fall into the trap of a comfort zone where it doesn't feel compelled to burn fat.

Calorie Shifting Keeps Burning Fat for You!

Essentially by calorie shifting and creating this metabolic confusion you are sending a message to your body to keep burning fat. The reason people experience the rebound effect from most diets is because eating low calories also lowers your metabolism, it attunes itself to it in a way. The problem is with most diets is once you decide to begin eating a normal diet again you are now stuck with an even slower metabolism. With calorie shifting your metabolism will be far more active and most people who try calorie shifting actually find that they continue to burn fat for weeks following a diet.

Milk Banana Diet

Excess weight is a problem faced by the majority of people world-wide and people go through rigorous exercises & real tough schedules to overcome this problem. There are many of us who cannot get indulged such hard & time consuming activities, hence are forced to live along with this problem & suffer on health account. The other option would be to keep trying the ever changing diet plans. One such program which has gained popularity is Milk Banana Diet.

This is a new diet program from Japan which claims to help reduce weight without getting involved in tough work-outs along with the freedom of having the meals of your choice. This diet plan is as follows:

• You start your day with bananas only in the breakfast (1 or more).
• At lunch time you can have any meal whatsoever, only desserts shall be avoided.
• You can again have a banana around 4.00 pm, if you feel so.
• At dinner, you can again have any meal of your choice barring the deserts.
• It would be more beneficial if you include milk in your lunch or dinner as having a healthier meal at lunch/dinner time will give you the desired results faster. You can also have tea or coffee in place of milk.
• Also, you are advised to have your dinner before 8.00 pm for better results and you should retire to bed before midnight.

The benefits of reducing weight through this plan are:

• You can escape from the tough exercises & work-outs.
• The plan is very easy to follow & does not require any specific equipments etc.
• You have the flexibility of having your favorite meals during lunch & dinner, as getting into any other dieting program creates a mental trauma that you will have to get away from the food of your choice.

But one of the major warnings for this program is that it's comparatively very new and the results needs to be carefully evaluated before going ahead.

Quick and Sustained weight loss is a combination of external and internal factors. The external factors of exercise and diet are of course helpful to lose weight. But you need to equally focus on internal factors of boosting your metabolism and keep yourself motivated to loose weight.

Confuse Diet Program ?

Were you aware of a really good diet program which is easy to do and better yet has lasting results! If this this sounds like something you would want to try then I suggest you read on about the best diet program to use for permanent weight loss.

What is this Diet Called?

The diet is known as calorie shifting and essentially what's involved is eating a diet which forces your metabolism up and remain at peak levels for the duration of the diet and even afterwards! Here now are the main features of the diet:

* Normal Calorie Consumption, no starving, just conscious eating!
* No Rebound Effect! Because the diet has the ability to stimulate your metabolism you actually don't experience the rebound effect of weight gain common with most other diets.
* Eating a varied diet that provides carbs, fats and protein!

The Rebound Effect Explained

The reason that people will experience rebound weight gain after following a diet is because the diet essentially trains their body to lower its metabolism. With Calorie Shifting you experience the total opposite which is an increased metabolism and when you come off of the diet because you have been training your metabolism to stay at a high level it will remain there for some time continuing to burn fat.

There is simply no better way to lose weight than with calorie shifting, it corrects the one major flaw that every other diet has, by targeting the bodies metabolism you can be re-assured of success.

Fat Loss

If you have made it your New Year's resolution to lose weight, then you are likely pretty overwhelmed by the number of diet choices out there to help you reach your goals. Some of these rapid weight loss programs help you achieve your goals, while others are merely snake oil cures that do nothing more than separate you from your hard-earned money. I've done exhaustive research on the current batch of internet diet programs, and after matching the programs head to head, I've come up with a clear winner.

Internet diets like Fat Loss 4 Idiots, Strip That Fat, and Everloss have been incredibly popular in the weeks following the start of 2009 as many overweight people go through the yearly routine of trying to lose weight after the holiday season. All three of these diet programs, as well as many others, have their good points and their bad, but only one internet diet I could find combines the elements that will help a dieter achieve long-term success.

The Everloss Diet doesn't rely on a gimmicky method to help dieters achieve rapid weight loss. Instead it combines a low impact exercise program, tasty and easy to prepare meal recipes, stress relieving activity plan, and vitamin and mineral supplements to help you achieve weight loss success. It is this diversity of weight loss techniques that separates the Everloss diet from its competitors.

As much as we wish that we could avoid exercise when trying to lose weight quickly the fact remains that such a wish is unrealistic, and without an exercise regime any weight loss you achieve is likely to be temporary at best. That said, the Everloss diet doesn't require that you spend 6 days a week in the gym. Instead, it is an easy to follow 30 minute, low impact exercise plan that focuses on breathing techniques to help you get in shape and obtain your weight loss goals.

Unlike calorie shifting methods designed to confuse your metabolism the Everloss Diet stresses a balanced diet and provides you with all the recipes you'll need to prepare tasty meals that are so good you won't feel you are sacrificing your eating habits at all.

Best of all, the creators of the Everloss Diet are so confident that their diet plan will help you lose weight quickly and keep it off they have given their product a full 60 day money back guarantee. With this guarantee those who decide to try the Everloss Diet literally have nothing to lose except the weight.

Diet Recipe

If you are looking for the best way to lose 10 pounds fast - Hollywood diet will be the best solution for your problem. It has proven itself in Hollywood during the last few years among movie celebrities by its effectiveness.

Hollywood diet is flexible, low carbohydrate diet based on reducing high carbohydrate products (potato, bread, different porridge and sugar) in your daily menu. That forces your body to burn extra fat. Special combinations of products stabilize level of insulin and speed up body metabolism.

Duration of Hollywood diet is one week. After each week spent on this diet plan it is recommended to have one week on a regular diet. For this week you will be able to lose 5 pounds minimum.

For breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner choose one from three specially developed lists of products.

Breakfast: one from the list 1 and one from the list 2.
Lunch: one from the list 1, one from the list 2 and one from the list 3.
Snack: one from the list 1, one from the list 2 and one from the list 3.
Dinner: one from the list 1 and one from the list 2.

List 1 - Fibers

-Two eggs (an omelet, fried or boiled eggs)
-One tea cup of low-fat cottage cheese
-120 ml of fat-free milk or 120 ml of fat-free organic yogurt and half of portion of any product from the same (list 1)
-110 g of a low-fat pork ham (allowed to change it for low-fat beef, turkey or chicken without skin)
-170 g of tuna or other low-fat fish (allowed to change for the same amount of sea molluscs)
-Two tablespoons of any nut paste (peanut, almond, etc.)
-60 g of any low-fat cheese
-One tea cup of boiled soya or soya cheese or tofu
-30 g of any nuts

List 2 - Fruits / Vegetables

-Two tea cups of any fruits or two slices of the average size of one fruit (it is allowed to eat one slice at one time and another later)
-Six tea cups of any raw vegetables or salad from them
-Three tea cups of any boiled vegetables, except peas and corn
-One and a half tea cup of corn or green peas
-60 g of dried fruits

List 3 - Carbohydrates

-One slice of black bread
-One small pancake
-Half a cup of boiled rice or pasta with tomato sauce
-Half a tea cup of boiled potatoes or as much peas, string beans or corn
-One average ear of corn or four flat cakes from corn flour (very thin and without sugar)
-15 g of low-calorie crackers or potato chips
-Two tea cups of popcorn without butter
-The best set of fruit and berries for this diet: grapefruit, pear, dried apricots, lemon segment, strawberry, cherry or sweet cherry.

It is recommended to drink a big glass of water before each meal.

Fast Program Diet

Can the 11 Day Diet really work, is Fat loss 4 Idiots any good? These are perfectly legitimate questions to ask. We all know that normally diets that promise fast weight loss are fad diets. Normally you will not have any long term results with a diet that promises fast weight loss.

A comparison between the 11 Day Diet, Fat Loss 4 Idiots and Fad diets:

A fad diet mostly work on the basis of a very low calorie intake. We all know this is dangerous as your body does not get all the nutrition it needs to function properly. It is no big surprise then that many of them discourage exercise. This is one way you can always know if a diet is any good, you must be able to do moderate exercise while on it.

On the 11 Day Diet - Fat Loss 4 Idiots and concept is used that is called calorie shifting. This means that you consume a different amount of calories each day. This keeps your body from going into "starvation" mode and slow down your metabolism to conserve energy for the most important bodily functions. This helps with burning all that excess fat and that is why you can lose 9 pounds in 11 days. You do not have to do any exercises to lose weight and burn fat.

With a fad diet you can normally only follow the diet for a limited amount of days. Once you have finished those days you normally have to eat normally for a few days before you can start again. You will find that in those "normal" days you gain some of the weight you lost back. The reason for this is that a big part of the weight you lost was only water and as soon as you re-hydrate you put that weight back on. You may also feel very weak because most of the rest of the weight you lost were muscle instead of fat.

The calorie shifting in fat loss 4 idiots prevents all that. Your body is tuned into a fat burning machine and the weight you lose is fat and not water and muscle. You can also follow the 11 day plan over and over again until you reach your desired weight. Because your metabolism does not slow down and because you are not losing muscle you also do not feel so tired. Fat loss 4 idiots also has a guide that teaches how to maintain your ideal weight once you have reaches it.

Another problem with these "quick weight loss" diets is that you usually can eat only a very limited variety of food. Most of the time it is the same food you have to eat all the time, over and over again. It is often boredom that makes you abandon the diet. Others are far too high on fat to be safe or they contain no fruit or vegetables which can lead to malnutrition.

It is true that on the 11 day diet you do eat a lot of protein, but, there are also vegetables included in the menu. In fact you tell the diet generator what your food preferences are and it generates a diet uniquely suited to you. Of course certain food simply cannot be part of a weight loss diet and you will have to make some sacrifices. You will not go hungry though as you are allowed to eat until just before you are full.

We have to be realistic here; you are not going to lose weight without a little effort on your side. With the 11 Day Diet - Fat Loss 4 idiots, you will find it easier than with any starvation diet or a diet where you have to eat all the same food all the time. Fat loss 4 Idiots are not perfect for sure, but it is one of the best option our there and well worth a try.

Lemonade Diet

If you want to lose weight fast, there's no surer method than Beyonce's lemonade diet.

To prepare for her starring role in the hit movie Dreamgirls, singer Beyonce went on the Master Cleanse diet - sometimes called the lemonade diet - and quickly shed an amazing 20 pounds.

Take a look at the movie and you'll agree Beyonce looks sensational in those tight stage costumes!

And the Master Cleanse diet isn't just a hit with Beyonce: the Howard Stern show's Robin Quivers tried it after magician David Blaine publicly endorsed it. Givens soon lost a huge 70 pounds and credited the diet for restoring her health and vitality.

So what is this mysterious diet the celebs rave about? Well, it's been around for a very long time. New-Yorker Stanley Burroughs created it in 1941, using a few simple ingredients like maple syrup, cayenne pepper and lemons.

His intent was to help rid the body of toxins and waste with a 10-day liquid diet. But it soon became clear that not only did the diet get rid of a lot of internal garbage and restored vigorous health - it also helped people to lose weight quickly.

Now one of the problems with the original lemonade diet method is that it's very tough. A lot of people just can't stick to a liquid diet for longer than three days before they cave in to intense hunger pangs.

Banana Diet

So maybe you heard or read something about the banana diet and you're wondering does the banana diet work for effective weight loss? I'm going to reveal to you today exactly what the banana diet is and whether it actually provides the results that have been rumored to come as a result of it.

So What is the Banana Diet Anyway?

Essentially what it involves is eating a breakfast of only warm water and as many fresh bananas as you would like. Following this you are able to eat whatever you want for lunch and dinner. Now if there was something more to it then perhaps this diet could be successful in some form, as of now though it is potentially the greatest fad and fake diet I might add to appear in a number of years. At least in the apple diet you ate apples all day and it worked off of the negative calorie diet system, although flawed it could work theoretically. This diet however is absolute garbage and not worth the time to even bother reading about it.

Help Me, What Diet Can I Try That Works?

Have you ever heard of the diet system known as calorie shifting? Essentially it involves eating throughout the day as you normally would, however the types of foods you eat at each meal are specific to stimulate your metabolism at that time. Basically the end result of this diet is that you stimulate your metabolism whenever you eat, even following the diet so you continue to lose weight. Its not so much of a diet as a system of changing a persons metabolism from slow to fast. It is highly effective and very easy to follow with software programs that will tell you exactly what to eat based one what you ate the day before.

Tuna Diet for Your Diet Plan

There are a lot of weight loss products that offer that fast weight loss results, however, are these really guaranteed? The 3 day tuna diet is a fast diet and a kind of fad diet.

Can this diet live up to their assurance of a fit body? Or is it just unhealthy. I do not think so but you have to like tuna, that is for sure.

In US, there is an estimated 50 million people who try to lose weigh, unfortunately, only 5 per cent are successful. One thing is for sure, beware of fraudulent claims and extreme high cost because there is no magic to losing weight.

The 3 day tuna diet can help to lose quick weight maybe around 3 pounds, that depends own your own physical constitution. Some lose 3 and other people are losing 5 pounds while doing this short diet. There will be no long term success when doing this 3 day diet but to lose fast some pounds before going on holidays or a birthday it is great to get in shape very quickly.

When doing this diet you have to drink a lot of water and tea. This is very important to lose the pounds you want. You can do the same process every day or vary it. This depends on you.

For Breakfast you can eat 1 Egg, Banana, 1 Toast, crackers and something like this. But do not forget to drink when doing the 3 day tuna diet.

Lunch time you can eat of course tuna,crackers and toast. Again drink black tea or water. For dinner you can eat beef, carrots, broccoli, tuna, banana or cabbage. You can even eat 1/2 cup of vanilla ice cream.

As you can see it is pretty easy to follow. Some websites claim that you can lose up to 10 pounds in three days following this diet. That seems highly unlikely, and most websites that contain the diet do not include testimonials or anyone saying they have actually had success with the diet. Even it could be possible, it is not reallsitic and you can just expect 2 to 4 pounds. Not more, this is a myth.Even though the diet is connected with a hospital, the 10 pounds are not a serious number.

The diet is floating around the internet a long time and in my opinion there are better ways to lose weight quick but it is simple to use and a 3 day tuna diet is very popular. And like said above there are a lot of ways to do it. You can eat a lot of tuna or not. This is up to you, there are a lot of different meal plan on the internet for the 3 day tuna diet you can choose from or just stick to your own plan. 3 days to lose weight is a good thing but not specific for the long term success. So if you want to try it but do not expect to much of it. For long term the 3 day tuna diet is not the best. If you want serious and permanent weightloss there are better choices available.

Choose the Right Diet Program for Your Body

Now, we find ourselves wondering which one is the right weight loss pill for our own body.

The internet is saturated with dieting advice, diet pills, weight loss programs, and the list goes on. Just do a simple search for 'weight loss' and you will see proof of that. There are thousands of articles about a weight loss vitamin, dietary supplements, or actual diet programs. Most of the diet supplement reviews are correct, and the information is valid. In most cases, they actually present a great bit of valuable information based on clinical facts. However, you still must prepare an effective weight loss plan, specifically designed to your needs.

Suggestions are that you break down your weight loss program into segments. These would be in areas of your diet, the level of exercise you do, and weight loss diet supplements that are needed.

Let's look back to the article found in the Telegraph about the 'Top 5 ways to lose weight for 2008'. The writers of this profitable and highly respected newspaper are renowned for publishing only accurate sources of information; and have covered these points and more.

The inferences of this article were the top 5 points:

• eat frequently, cutting 3 meals into 6 smaller meals per day
• utilize natural fat binders such as leading brand Proactol
• participate in a strong weight loss support group or network to stay goal motivated
• eat a healthy breakfast every day to jump start your metabolism into burning more calories all day longer, for faster weight loss
• having a realistic exercise plan is a key factor in help to losing weight, as unattainable goals will cause harm on two levels - you can be physically injured, and it can end your motivation to continue.

These tips offered by the Telegraph are just a small sampling of what you can use to formulate an effective and well rounded weight loss routine. Each is just a summary of a vital part that you must keep in mind.

Each area plays its own important role in helping you to lose weight and gain the healthy body you want.

Bona fide weight loss results

Taking the first step to losing weight is almost always the most difficult task. Understand that a weight loss dietary supplement, simply put, will give you the support and strength that you need to make this first step much easier.

One such supplement is Proactol. It is 100% organic, and produces no side effects. Proactol is a clinically proven fat binder that can helps you to:

• Binding up to 28% of your fat intake
• Suppressing your appetite while decreasing your food cravings
• Lowers blood cholesterol levels
• Increases your flexibility and mobility
• Cuts your caloric intake by an estimated 450 calories per day

With outstanding medical endorsement through the Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC, Proactol can offer you the best weight loss pills results.

Proactol will help you meet your goals by boosting your weight loss levels, and achieving the most effective weight loss plan for you. They supply the support you need to achieve them happen.

Easy Diet Program

Health issues such as high blood pressure, clogged arteries, and diabetes are big problem. Maintaining a healthy diet is the only way to correct these problems. One solution is the Rice diet program, also known as Duke University Rice Diet. What makes the Rice Diet different than most others is it is medically supervised.

The Rice diet program actually has little do with rice. The Rice diet program is basically a low-fat, low-salt diet that leads on a path to good health.

There are 2 phases on the Rice diet program:

In phase your meals will consist largely from fruits and grains. It is very important that while you are in this phase you should be under medical supervision.

During phase you are allowed to eat a variety of foods including fish or chicken a couple of times per week. It is important to note that while you are on the Rice diet, you should avoid dairy products

You should avoid all salt while on the Rice Diet. Americans consume about 10 times as much as is needed. Excess salt in the blood can lead to several medical problems and is considered a major factor in hypertension. By limiting salt you will be able to reduce the risk of these diseases. The rice diet program is very effective for both weight loss and becoming healthier

Advantage and Disadvantage of Sugar Busters Diet

The Sugar Busters Diet is not a low carb nor a high protein style diet. The Sugar Busters Diet recommends that daily calorie intake is split into a 40/30/30 ratio. However this ratio differs slightly from the Zone Diet as the Sugar Busters Diet plan recommends 40% fats, 30% proteins and 30% carbohydrate intake each day.

Disadvantages of the Sugar Busters Diet include:

• This diet is not always recommended for Vegetarians (Largely based on the protein intake requirements.)

• Weight loss may be attributed to a general reduction in calories and not necessarily the 40/30/30 ratio.

• There can be a level of confusion when dieter needs to find out about 'Hidden Sugars' in some foods.

• The diet may (in certain cases) remove valuable minerals and nutrients. (This is because the diet limits some fruit and vegetables, which are essentially healthy)

Advantages of being on the Sugar Busters Diet include:

• Diet Eliminates Intake of Sugar

• Easy to do for the average user (no calorie counting, measuring or weighing)

• The Diet cuts out many Sugary Foods that are clearly not helpful for weight loss. (and for good dental care reasons)

The diet does also encourage the consumption of a large quantity of proteins found in foods such as fish, nuts, and eggs. As these are three of the most commonly found allergy-related foods, it is important prior to be aware of any allergies you may have before commencing on this eating plan.